Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

My Job is My Passion but Still, Isn't a world

OK, a bit serious this time...

I love something...that really live in my blood...something that I chase since I was a little kid

That Thing called: JOB, yap kerjaan

Sejak aku kerja di majalah ini...I've done anything sampai aku lupa waktu, lupa tenagaku terbatas dan lupa kalau ada hidup di luar itu.

I really love this job of mine, sampai orang mau jelekin, I still stand proud. Coz this is what i really want to do since then.

Some says, I do this with passion, some says, my passion is my own fail. Well, for sure, aku memang do this with passion. Kelewat Passionate malahan...haha

Dan aku...left many things behid for this job of passion. My study, my family, my old fellas, my self. I didn't get enough time for those. Dan rasanya itu terbayar waktu ngeliat my jobbies being photoshoped, and then printed (walau kadang hasil printnya agak nggak sesuai sama yang ada di kepalaku :p), but I still love it! Kalau kita nggak cinta sama hasil karya kita sendiri, trus sapa lagi huhu..

Then I face this problem, I'm getting old, Im no longer this 22 years old girl who had huge curiosities. mean, the future is near. Should i leave this passion behind for my own future. I mean, Im really caught in the middle, dan...I dont know maybe kerjaan bukan segalanya ya...Tapi kalau kita punya passion dan suka dengan our own jobbie...Should we leave it behind? I dont want to leave all these...I want to grow up with this..hikkss...kok jadi sedih?

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